• 5 star hotel dining with western set menu (Menu Include : starter + soup + main course + dessert)
  • Buffet dinner with traditional dancing performance
  • 1hr Body/Foot Massage
  • Angkor Wat Temple+Banteay Srey Temple & Rolous Group with 3-Days Pass
  • Tonlesap Lake Boat Trip - visit floating village, crocodile farm, see the lake view
  • Siem Reap night market & Pub Street, Preah Ang Chek Ang Chom Shrine, Royal Residence & Garden, West Baray, Sixty meters Road food street
  • Free Angkor T-Shirt, Kroma (Cambodian scarf) & Ticket holder for souvenir
  • 3 bottle of water & 3 wet tissue per day per person



Price from $559 based on min. 4 person to go.
Valid for travel by 31-MAR-2025.
Tour/Hotels are subject to confirmation.
Please check with our staff for festive/peak period surcharges.

Remarks: Non-Singaporean may require a tourist visa, please refer to our tour consultant for application details. Sequence of itinerary subject to change.



  • Upon arrival, meet & greet by our representative for your transfer to lunch at a local restaurant plus check-in hotel. Start the afternoon city tour by visiting Preah Ang Chek Ang Chom Shrine, the most popular worship place for locals and foreigners where on pray for happiness or health, then the Royal Residence (exterior view) & Royal Garden, West Baray - an ancient reservoir and Sixty Meters Road Food Street. Buffet dinner with traditional dancing performance then return to hotel.

Lunch / Dinner


  • Visit Ancient city of Angkor Thom: South Gate, Bayon Temple, Elephant & Leper King Terrace, Suor Prat Towers, passing by Chao Say Devoda Temple, Thommanon Temple and TaKeo Temple. Visit Ta-Prohm Temple where Hollywood Star, Angelina Jolie made the film of TOMB RIDER here. The photogenic and atmospheric combination of trees growing out of the ruins and the jungle surroundings have made it one of Angkor's most popular temples. After lunch, visit Cambodia famous Gem Store - Land of Cambodia, with a wide varieties of gems, sapphires, rubies and emeralds. The most famous Cambodian mines are located in PAILIN. Sapphires from PAILIN are considered among the best sapphires in the world. Then, relax with 1-hour of Body/Foot massage. Lastly, visit the world heritage site of Angkor Wat Temple. The temple is at the top of the high classical style of Khmer architecture which has become a symbol of Cambodia, appearing on its national flag, and it is the country's prime attraction for visitors. After dinner, you may visit Siem Reap Night Market & Pub Street. (Note: 1-way drop off only. Guest who is not going to night market will be send back to hotel.)

Breakfast / Lunch / Dinner


  • Visit the citadel of Banteay Srey Temple which was erected by pink sandstone in the end of 10 century, and constructed by a Brahmin counselor under a powerful king Rajendravarman, and later under king Javaraman V. This temple is small size, but delicate carvings and remarkable state of preservation make Banteay Srey Temple one of everyone’s favorite temples. On the way back, shortly visit Palm sugar village and learn the method of how palm sugar making & their handicraft souvenir. Lunch, afternoon visit Preah Khan Temple (King father Temple), Neak Puon Temple (ancient hospital), Pre Rub Temple. Back to town, dinner, back to hotel.

Breakfast / Lunch / Dinner



  • Bid farewell to Cambodia and transfer to airport for your flight home. We hope that you have had an enjoyable time with SA Tours!



  • Visit Rolous Group (Bakong Temple & Preah Ko Temple), dating from the late 9th century, was the first capital of Khmer Empire. Lunch, afternoon visit Tonlesap Great Lake, take boat visit Floating village, see the way people living on floating house, floating school, restaurant, church, you can feeding crocodile in the farm (by own expense), back to town visit Duty Free Mall, dinner (5 star hotel dining with western set menu), back to hotel.


  • 抵达后,地接社的代表会迎接您后,送往当地餐厅享用午餐并入住酒店。午后将出发游览当地最有名气的Preah Ang Chek Ang Chom寺庙、外观国王行宫与皇家花园、吴哥时代的人工池 - 西池、 聚集了当地街头美食与廉价服饰的60米路美食街、欣赏传统舞蹈表演与自助晚餐后,送返酒店休息。

午餐 / 晚餐


  • 参观大吴哥古城著名景点: 南城门、巴戎庙、斗象台、癞王台、12生肖塔。途经周萨神殿,塔玛侬殿和大高殿。参观塔普伦殿,此殿是好莱坞著名演员安裘丽娜拍摄古墓奇兵的取景地,以大树盘绕古迹,甚为神奇而盛名。午餐后,参观当地著名宝石店。柬埔寨拜灵省盛产宝石矿物,其中以红蓝宝更是闻名全世界。体验1小时全身或脚底按摩后,出发游览吴哥窟,俗称小吴哥。小吴哥是世界遗产七大古迹之一,有着柬埔寨最顶尖的雕刻艺术。她是柬国的灵魂及标志,其吴哥图像更成为柬埔寨国旗的标志,此地也是旅客到柬必游之处。晚餐后,逛暹粒夜市及酒吧街。(注:单程送往夜市,不去的客人将送回酒店)

早餐 / 午餐 / 晚餐


  • 参观距离暹粒市约38公里处的女皇庙,此神庙建于公元十世纪后半叶,以粉红色砂岩为建筑材料,其雕刻非常精致,可称得上是柬埔寨所有古迹之中雕刻最为精美的古萨之一,其建筑本身也是保存完好,吸引着无数的旅客慕名前来参观。回程中,短暂停留棕糖村,欣赏当地村民手工艺品及传统的棕糖制作过程,午餐后,参观 宝剑寺、龙蟠宫(古代医院)、变身塔,回市区用晚餐,送回酒店休息。

早餐 / 午餐 / 晚餐




  • 告别柬埔寨,前往机场乘搭客机回返新加坡。希望您与中美旅游有一段愉快的旅程 。



  • 参观 罗洛士古迹群(巴公寺 & 神牛寺),建于9世纪后半叶,为高棉王朝第一国都。午餐,下午乘车前往 洞里萨湖,乘船游览浮村,观赏村民漂浮的屋子,学校,餐厅,教堂,您可于鳄鱼养殖场内给鳄鱼喂食(自费),返回市内参观 免税商场,晚餐(5星级酒店内享用西式套餐),回酒店休息。

Copyrights © 2024 SA Tours - Sino-America Tours Corporation Pte Ltd (Singapore)
